Introduction of standardized approaches to cardiovascular diseases prevention in clinical practice of the State institution of science "Research and practical center of preventive and clinical medicine" State administrative department
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cardiovascular diseases prevention, risk factors, clinical pathway

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Dyachuk, D. D., Moroz, G. Z., Hydzynska, I. M., & Lasitsya, T. S. (2018). Introduction of standardized approaches to cardiovascular diseases prevention in clinical practice of the State institution of science "Research and practical center of preventive and clinical medicine" State administrative department. Clinical and Preventive Medicine, (1), 15-24.


Objective. Improvement of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) prevention in the State Institution of Science “Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine” State Administrative Department (SIS “RPC PCM” SAT) in accordance to the requirements of evidence-based medicine via clinical pathway (CP) development and implementation.
Methods. We studied the prevalence of CVD risk factors (RF) in 210 state-owned employees. All participants completed a questionnaire on their smoking status, diet habits and physical activity level, results were reported as percentage.
The development of the clinical pathway “CVD Prevention” was made concordantly with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and taking into account the needs of our institution and suitability of existing facilities.
Results. We revealed that 54,28±3,44 % of participants who completed a questionnaire evaluated their compliance with basic patterns of healthy lifestyle and diseases prevention on a five-point scale as 3 and below 3. The most common behavioral RF are unhealthy diet (only 35,2 ±3,3 % had recommended level of fish intake, 14,28±2,41 % - vegetables intake, 15,24±2,48 % - fruit intake, only 43,81±3,42 % restricted food high in salt) and low level of physical activity (59,05±3,4 %). The list of mandatory options in our CP “CVD prevention” included such phases and elements of care, as CVD RF assessment, intensive and structured intervention (risk management) and long-term follow-up for CVD prevention (monitoring) in all levels of health care, medical staff support of patient’s motivation on healthy behavioral changes and compliance with drug therapy (adherence to medication) with the goal to achieve optimal RF control. The implementation of the CP “CVD Prevention” in our institution was made with the use of internal electronic network. The CP “CVD prevention” was used when working on the Ministry of Health guidance and pathways on the field of CVD prevention.
Conclusions. Clinical pathways “CVD prevention” is a tool to support the introduction of evidence-based medicine and use of clinical guidelines on CVD prevention in clinical practice for the purpose to improve patient’s outcome.
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