Peculiarities of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring indices in patients with essential hypertension, stage II of different age groups


arterial hypertension, essential hypertension, blood pressure, isolated systolic hypertension, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

How to Cite

Pasko, V. S. (2018). Peculiarities of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring indices in patients with essential hypertension, stage II of different age groups. Clinical and Preventive Medicine, (1), 63-70.


The aim of the study was to determine peculiarities of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring indices of patients with essential hypertension, stage II of different age groups.

Material and methods. Indices of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were identified in 57 middle-aged patients (45-59 years) (group I) and 43 elderly patients (60-74 years) (group II), who underwent two-week in-patient treatment. The control group consisted of 15 patients for every of the surveyed categories (group III - middle-aged and group IV – elderly respectively) matched with basic by age and gender.

Results. We have shown that one of the factors that determines the change in hemodynamics in patients with essential hypertension is age, with the age patients experience the decrease in diastolic blood pressure with steadily increased systolic blood pressure, that should be considered in the prescription of antihypertensive treatment. With age, a gradual increase in systolic blood pressure is associated with the increased aortic stiffness, partially with the increase in collagen and the decrease in elastic fibrils and the formation of isolated systolic hypertension. Thus, it is proved that in the formation of isolated hypertension the growth of pulse blood pressure for more than 60 mm Hg is unfavorable in a development of cerebrovascular events. Pulse arterial blood pressure was stronger risk factor than systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure or average arterial pressure in the elderly. Recently, taking into account age characteristics, all three indices were recognized as comparable predictors at the age of 50-59 years as the transitional period, and at the age of 60-79 years diastolic blood pressure adversely affecting the cardiovascular risk, increased pulse blood pressure prognostically above the level of systolic arterial pressure.


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