Hysterectomy optimization technology in patients with overweight
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intrafascial hysterectomy, diathermy, vaginal profіl, operative management, myoma, henital prolapse.

How to Cite

Khabrat, B., Lytvak, O., Lysenko, B., Khabrat, A., & Pasko, V. (2020). Hysterectomy optimization technology in patients with overweight. Clinical and Preventive Medicine, (3), 22-26. https://doi.org/10.31612/2616-4868.3(13).2020.03



The aim of our work was the development and testing method of hysterectomy, which would greatly facilitate radical hysterectomy in patients who are overweight.

Materials and methods.

In the main group of supervision were included 76 women who had 0 and stage 1 prolapse by POP-Q classification and were operated under minimally invasive surgery of RPCPCM in the period from 2019 to 2020because of uterine fibroids by the method developed by us.The control group consisted of 50 women whom was performed intrafascial hysterectomy by the method of Oldridge. To study the vaginal profile marked by two indicators: the length of the vagina and the range of displacement of the proximal point of the vagina (apex), which were determined before surgery and 24 months after surgery at intervals of one year. Determining the length of the vagina was performed in the supine position, immediately determine the most proximal point of the vagina.

Results and discussion


Methods of intrafascial hysterectomy using high-frequency diathermy are effective in preventing prolapse stump and shortening of the vagina. Shortening of the vagina in patients in the control group may have been caused by the degenerative processes due to serious injury of support structures and vessels of proximal vagina with the emergence in this context of inflammatory processes in the stump. Shortening of the vagina in patients operated on the proposed method was observed. Trends shortening of the vagina or prolapse at follow-up were found.

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