General information

The journal «Clinical and Preventive Medicine» is included in the List of Scientific Professional Periodicals of Ukraine in medical sciences (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 7, 2019, No. 612; specialty codes – 222, 224, 227, 228, 229).

The journal «Clinical and Preventive Medicine» is indexed by the «Ukrainian Science» reference database, established by the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and the Institute for Information Recording of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The journal «Clinical and Preventive Medicine» uses a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) article identifier, generated by a Crossref system, which is used for linking citations across publishers.

The «Regulations for the scientific journal «Clinical and Preventive medicine» of the State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department (hereinafter, − the Regulations) determine the publication procedure of the scientific medical journal «Clinical and Preventive Medicine» (hereinafter,− the Journal), in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine dated January 16, 2003, No. 435-IV (as amended), and the following Laws of Ukraine:

The Regulations are also guided by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine «On Approval of the Formation Procedure of the List of Scientific Professional Periodicals of Ukraine» dated on January 15, 2018, No. 32 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 06, 2018, No. 148/31600).

The State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Centre of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department (SIS «RPC PCM» SAD; hereinafter,− the Center) is the founder of the Journal (printed mass media), being registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Certificate of State Registration of Printed Mass Media [series: KV; No. 17834-6684Р dated on May 04, 2011]).

The Journal was founded in accordance with the resolution of the Academic Council of the Center dated October 20, 2016 (protocol No. 7).

The Journal is a professional multidisciplinary medical scientific periodical.

The languages of the Journal are Ukrainian, Russian and English (multilingual editions).

The categories of readers: health-care providers, researchers, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, interns, medical students.

The Journal was founded in order to cover the results of scientific research in the field of preventive and clinical medicine, to inform the medical community about the latest achievements in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, to present clinical cases in medical practice, share data on current events in Ukrainian and foreign medicine etc.

The forms of the Journal`s publishing: paper and electronic.

The Journals Web site: (the link could also be found on the Web site of State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department).

The Journal`s Editorial Team: Editorial Board, Editorial Council, the scientific editors group, editorial and technical group.

The members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Council, as well as the candidates for the positions of the Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Responsible Secretary, are considered by the Academic Council of the Center and approved by the Director`s Order.

The Editorial Board supervises the work on the organization of the the Journal`s publishing.

The Editorial Council of the Journal, with the involvement of well-known scientists, performs advisory functions.

The researchers of the Center, as well as the scientists of other scientific institutions and higher school, are involved in the peer review process and the Journal`s publication procedure.

The group of workers perform the functions assigned to them on a permanent basis, namely the following: the heads of the scientific departments; researchers responsible for scientific edition process; senior researcher (scientific and technical information); library science specialist; scientific assistant (philology, linguistics, translations); leading editor; and computer operator of the Scientific Department of Healthcare Management

Periodicity – 8 times per year.

The size – 3-4 author`s sheets. If necessary, the special editions could also be issued.


  • The presence of at least six doctors of science in the specific field of knowledge (including at least three doctors of sciences, who are the staff members of the Center), as well as the foreign scientists
  • The Editorial Board`s internal peer-review of the submitted articles, and organization of the external peer-review process
  • The publication and Web distribution of the scheduled Journal`s issue have to be endorsed by the Scientific Council of the Center
  • The compliance of the submitted materials with the authors` requirements, based on the state standards of Ukraine
  • The presence of articles published in English during the calendar year
  • The broad geographic range of the authors, including the publication from abroad
  • Compliance with the strict periodicity and regularity of the journal's publication: at least twice a year, in accordance with the approved annual plan

The Journal`s title page (the title HTML file) provides the following data: output information (name, heading and subheading information; information about editor-in-chief; initial data and issue approval information; minimum system requirements; indexes: UDC index, ISSN number, copyright protection logo, annotation), the lists of Editorial Council and Editorial Board members; index HTML file; structured text file with bibliographic descriptions of the articles (including their abstracts, annotations or summaries) in Ukrainian, Russian and English; the articles HTML or PDF files

When using the HTML format for textual part of the article, the graphic materials have be presented in GIF or JPG formats.

The text of the article should be preceded by its title, the author/s and summary, as well as the UDC code and DOI (Digital Object Identifier).